What we’re doing in class…
Joffrey Ballet School Jazz and Contemporary New York
Summer Dance Intensive 2014
My summer student posted herself doing my combo on Facebook. She’s 14!!!!
Good job, Mira!
Recorded August 6, 2014
From Facebook:
Mira Shuler Candice's class Lauren
August 6 at 10:14pm · Like · 1
Nicole Greene omg mira you look so good!
Mira Shuler Aww thanks Nicole !!!
Mira Shuler Thank you so much for amazing classes this week Candice !!
Candice Michelle Franklin You are amazing! You betta look me up when you turn 21!!!!! You're ready to work!
Candice Michelle Franklin Hey, Where's part 2???
Mira Shuler Thank you so much!! I will! Hahaha sadly I don't have the second part, my phone stopped recording! Candice
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